




这是本政策的目的,提供性骚扰的定义,概述 对性骚扰法律规定的禁止行为范围,提供指导 如何处理性骚扰的指控,并提供可能的通知 consequences of a finding of sexual harassment, on the part of any member of this 大学 community, excluding students. 

而学生在司法管辖范围内受到学生行为准则的约束 性骚扰和其他不当行为的指控,学生可能会 在提交性骚扰投诉时寻求学院管理部门的指导 against any employee or other member of this 大学 community, at which time the 此处列出的政策将适用.

This policy is subject to periodic review and revision, pursuant to corresponding changes in the law of sexual harassment.


性骚扰是非法的. It is a form of sex discrimination which violates federal, 州和地方法律. It is against the law and a violation of 大学 policy for any member of this 大学 community to sexually harass any other member, or a member 在公众中,该个人在服务于 大学. 任何被发现有性骚扰行为的员工都可能受到纪律处分 action, up to and including termination from employment.

At the workplace, there are generally two categories of sexual harassment.

  1. 一种是 “交换条件”骚扰 which occurs when unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other 与性有关的言语或身体行为与就业或学业进步有关 通常有两种方式:
      • 服从这种行为被明确或暗示地作为一种条款或条件 of an individual’s employment or academic experience;
      • 个人对这种行为的服从或拒绝被用作依据 对于雇佣决策,包括雇佣,解雇,晋升,补偿等., 影响那个人.
  2. The other category of sexual harassment is that which occurs when a “恶劣的工作环境” is created as a result of such harassment.

当不受欢迎的性行为有目的时,敌意的工作环境就会产生 or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating or offensive work environment.

这些因素可能会造成敌对的工作环境 as a result of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. The discussion of an individual employee’s sexual activities and/or interests;
  2. 杂志、书籍、海报展示一个人在不同阶段的挑衅 脱衣或挑逗的姿势;
  3. 透过书院网站或类似网站,分享与性有关的资料 定位的电子邮件信息;
  4. 在工作时间举行聚会或其他庆祝活动,以卡片、蛋糕或其他东西为特色 与性有关的物品;
  5. Touching, commenting on, or leering at any sexual part of a person’s body.

 In the academic context, quid pro quo and hostile working environment conditions 也适用于任何教育项目或活动,当提交不必要的性行为 进步是任何教育计划或活动成功或失败的一个条件, 或者当一个敌对的学习环境为任何教育的参与者创造时 直接或间接受到不受欢迎行为影响的程序或活动 性的.

Please note that the victim in a hostile working or learning environment does not 必须是性侵犯言论或行为的对象 专门指导. It can also be someone whose ability to work or learn has been 受到恐吓或性敌对的工作或学习环境的不利影响; whether or not the logical “victim” has also felt harassed

 It is the policy of this 大学 that consensual romantic or sexual relationships 教职员工和学生之间,或两名员工之间,是严格禁止的 如果关系中的一方处于权威或权力地位 另一个.  Examples of such prohibited relationships include, 但不限于,

  1. 教员与目前在他或她班上的学生之间的关系; 
  2. Relationships between a faculty club advisor and any student club member;
  3. Relationships between athletic coaches and student athletes;
  4. Relationships between supervisors and student workers under their charge;
  5. 任何两名员工之间的关系,其中一名员工处于主管职位 or position of authority relative to the other;
  6. Any relationship between two members of the college community wherein one is in a position of authority or power 另一个’s academic or professional standing 在学院.


蒙哥马利县社区学院鼓励学院社区的任何成员   报告任何性骚扰事件,以便及时处理.  学院还希望强调,对学院的任何成员都是非法的 对提交性骚扰投诉的任何其他成员进行报复, or for participating in the investigation of such a complaint. 

组织在报复性索赔中被认定负有责任并不罕见 still prevailing on the underlying claim of sexual harassment.

学院希望所有的投诉都是真诚的,所有的投诉 是否会被认真对待,并在最大程度上保持最严格的保密 可能的.  While it is expected that some complaints will not call for a full-scale investigation, those that do will be conducted as expeditiously as 可能的, with the utmost discretion, and with support for the person bringing the complaint, the individuals investigating the complaint, while protecting the rights of the person against whom the complaint has been made. 

一个认为自己遭受过性骚扰的人应该感到 free to bring the matter to the attention of an immediate supervisor.   另外, 个人可以自由地将问题直接提交给 临时第九章协调员,博士. Mikiba Morehead, TNG顾问 TitleIX协调员@stuido.net


  1. the person bringing the complaint wants it resolved informally,

尽管如此,仍应将事件通知给第九章临时协调员 提供所有相关信息的完整账目和投诉的条款 决议.   

  1. the person bringing the complaint wants it resolved formally, or
  2. 被投诉者否认该事件或行为。

投诉应直接转发给临时第九章协调员,他 will then begin a formal investigation into the matter.

在任何时候,任何感到不舒服或无法处理性骚扰的主管 投诉应随时将投诉直接提交临时第九条 协调员.  If the complainant does not wish the matter to go forward, the supervisor or department head should nevertheless inform the Interim Title IX 协调员 of 投诉的存在.

在任何情况下,任何主管都不能在没有事先咨询的情况下作出决定 临时第九章协调员认为投诉,特别是正式的请求 complaint procedure, is without merit.

Any time any supervisor is privy to rumors of sexually inappropriate or harassing behavior, he or she should bring the matter to the attention of the Interim Title IX 协调员 for further investigation.

学院社区的任何成员谁是证人,或个人意识到,任何 本社区任何其他成员的性骚扰行为或行为 should also feel free to bring the matter or incident in question directly to the attention of the Interim Title IX 协调员 for further investigation.

大学社区的任何成员谁带来善意投诉性骚扰 will not be subject to reprisal and will be protected from retaliatory conduct on the part of any other knowledgeable party.

Consequences of a Finding of 性骚扰

学院有承诺和义务保护各方的权利 到一个性骚扰投诉,到一个通过咨询康复的过程 and training, and to the practice of progressive discipline.  书院储备金 然而,有权利认为某些单一的骚扰事件是如此令人震惊 as to immediately rise to the level of more serious disciplinary consequences, up 长期停职:包括长期停职或终止雇佣,或从 服务.