
校董会 Policy


数量: 1.3


取代2022年6月, 2014年4月


Provide clear and standardized guidelines for the development of new policies and to articulate the review process for current policies at Montgomery County Community 大学.


A policy is defined as a concise, formal, and mandatory statement of principle which provides a framework for decision-making and a means by which the 大学 mitigates 机构风险. 政策 support the 大学’s mission and values for the foreseeable future and should therefore change infrequently. A policy is a written statement which outlines the 大学’s position on a specific subject matter and provides guidance and direction in decision-making. All policies are reviewed and approved by the Board 受托人的. 

政策 are required to follow the standardized guidelines: 

  • Support the mission, goals, and values statement of the 大学
  • Consider the impact on all students and upon student success
  • Consider the impact on employees and communities we serve
  • Comply with relevant legislation and/or accrediting agencies
  • Mitigate the 大学's risk 
  • Improve effectiveness of education and/or operations
  • Align with current 大学 policies or procedures
  • Provide guidance or direction in decision making
  • Consider associated investment to support implementation

Development of New 政策

For development of a new policy, representatives of the 大学 will work with the Chief of Staff to complete the 新保单申请表格 and review the process for presentation of the proposed policy to the 校董会. 

Review of Current 政策

Current policies should be systematically reviewed every five (5) years or more frequently as required by changes in statues, regulation, or practice. 的 review cycle for policies is tracked by the Office of the President and managed by the Chief of Staff. 首席 of Staff will updated the President's Senior Leadership Team, prior to the start of the new Board meeting cycle, of policies that are due for review in the up-coming 学年. (This update will be provided at a Cabinet meeting in August). 

Policy revisions are identified as either substantive or non-substantive as a part 在审查过程中. Substantive revisions require the policy to be presented to the Board, and include recommended changes made to process or procedures or the individuals 受政策影响.
Non-substantive revisions do not require Board approval as these revisions focus on corrections to campus or building names, updates to phone numbers or e-mail addresses, or updates to the name of the position(s) or department overseeing the procedures 在政策范围内. 

政策检讨表格 also needs to be completed and 提交ted to the Office of the President as part of the 5-year review process and/or for any changes prior to the 5-year review cycle for both substantive and non-substantive changes or policies that require no revisions. 

Individuals with questions regarding policy development or the review process for current policies should contact the Chief of Staff.